Of course there was also good eating, another holiday ritual. We had Steven's luxurious barbecued prime rib with roasted vegetables for Christmas dinner. I made fresh ginger cake and Meyer lemon ice cream for dessert.

Welcome to my blog. I would like it to be a kind of nursery bed, to plant seeds and see what grows.
It is yellow in color, as if it wore a daffodilThis is the kind of thing I adore Jane Grigson for. I think I will make Quinces Baked in the French Style (sort of like baked apples) with them, after I enjoy them for a while in their glass bowl.
tunic, and it smells like musk, a penetrating smell.
It has the perfume of a loved woman and the same
hardness of heart, but it has the color of the
impassioned and scrawny lover.
Its pallor is borrowed from my pallor; its smell
is my sweetheart's breath.
When it stood fragrant on the bough and the leaves
had woven for it a covering of brocade,
I gently put up my hand to pluck it and to set it
like a censer in the middle of my room.
It had a cloak of ash-colored down hovering over
its smooth golden body,
and when it lay naked in my hand, with nothing more than
its daffodil-colored shift,
it made me think of her I cannot mention, and I feared
the ardor of my breath would shrivel it in my fingers.
Here too... I met Cassiope growing in fringes among the battered rocks. No evangel among all the mountain plants speaks Nature's love more plainly than Cassiope.